Friday, December 28, 2007

Support for a Mad White Woman

While we are all still trying to digest Shalaine’s confession, I thought I would write in support of her and let her know that she is not alone. When I was reading her confession I thought “Man, she’s got it bad” and then I began to reflect upon the last 72 hours of my life since the blog was created. I check the blog numerous times in a day, sometimes numerous times within an hour. I try to walk by my computer without checking “The Chrome Dome Diaries” bookmark, but find it impossible. Will there be a new post? Will there be a new t-shirt design? Will there be a witty new comment posted that will make me smile, even laugh? Will someone forget that there are many outside of our family circle reading this and embarrass us all?

Admittedly there are some disturbing things found in the blog and maybe this should be the subject of our next poll. The top runners for me are.……Mom kissing a bag of blood and Cort unabashedly using the word “ba-----“ in his post☺. But hands down the most disturbing thing of all was posted by Stephanie this morning. The picture showing that EZE is the proud owner of yet another colorful, floral sling. Why two? Doesn’t everything match with black?


maines said...

I think Cort's next design should be a straight jacket. Maybe we should start a support group of Chrome Domes Annonymous. "Hello, I'm Shalaine." (Hello, Shalaine) "And I'm a Chrome Dome addict." You know it's bad when you are telling your baby to please just deal with that stinky diaper a little longer because you haven't finished checking posts from 3 days ago for new comments.

Greg said...

Actually, the sling is not floral. It is black with various tattoo designs. Very stylish.

maines said...

Yes, it is totally manly. It has skulls.( Just ignore the stars and sparrows).

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the sling support. We had to have two because when one gets food on it and is in the wash the other must be used. The child lives for the sling...and I can't blame him.
...and My name is Stephanie, and I am a Chrome Dome addict.

maines said...

Hello Stephanie.

Becky said...

And don't forget the pirates on the sling- it matches Max's carseat perfectly! By the way- why does everyone refer to Eric as EZE?

Stephanie said...

Of course it is a nickname that Jon gave him. Once Jon gives you a nickname there is no redacting!