Monday, December 31, 2007

10 Laps and 3 Cups of Tea: Update from the early AM shift

Standing on the threshold of 2008 heavy decisions were upon us: purple or orange Popsicle, how many laps around the atrium, what would be the next book for the Gre-Sha book club. Mom chose purple (I got the orange), we hit a record 10 laps around the atrium and we chose Three Cups of Tea (a book about a former mountaineer who in the 90s built 55 schools for small villages in Pakistan - a timely read) as the Gre-Sha book club selection. So we move boldly forward!

Dr. Young dropped by and mumbled so encouraging words about blood counts (no need for transfusions today and bad white still on the ropes) and about release date (before the 14th). Or maybe he was just a dream.

1 comment:

maines said...

more like a nightmare! Send that guy back to the graveyard!