Wednesday, December 26, 2007

"I Like Ike" for Christmas

We like Ike for Christmas since we really have no other choice! We spent the day doing much of what we have done for the past month, with one exception, we got to celebrate the birth of the Savior with a whole new perspective on what He has done for us. We also have a much greater appreciation of what it means to turn your lives over to Him and to have unwavering faith that Miracles can happen and will happen.
We spent the day reading Christmas cards and letters from many friends, listening to Christmas Carols and reading the Scriptures. We have really come to appreciate the quiet times that we have together. It's like having the chance to cram 42 years of missed opportunities into a couple of months. It is truly wonderful and a good lesson that we should find that time every day, because we lose out on so much of each other if we don't. Later in the day we were joined by Stephanie, Eric and Max for a little Christmas Joy and then by Greg, Becky, Cozi, Catie, Enna and Bria who brought their own special enthusiastic celebration of the day as well as Christmas Dinner. All in all Mom and I both agree it was one of the best Christmas' ever, and also one we hope not to repeat any time soon.

On another note, I'm sure you've all been dying to meet Dr. Luke or Dr. Driesbach ( The double name comes from his being in practice with his Dad and so not being able to be entitled to the sir-name and so have to go by his first, hence Dr. Luke). And so through the miracle of the inter-net I introduce Dr. Luke Mom's principle physician and the one referred to in all the morning reports with the stats:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh THANK YOU so much for allowing me to be a part of your “Hendricksons Never Say Can’t“ blog!!! How much I appreciate you sharing yourself and you dear, sweet Mom with me via the Internet. This is such a WONDERFUL idea! I have missed your Mom sorely, however after reading your blog and seeing her pictures, it put a smile on my face, laughter in my heart and tears to my soul…….all of which are good and right! Yes, with cancer come the most precious and endearing moments one can only experiences because of it. Each of you are in my daily prayers as you walk this path called “Love”! Thank you again… Donna Sant