Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Just when you think things are rolling along you get another growth opportunity. Over the weekend Sharon developed severe stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. The doctor tells us that this likely our first experience with Graft Versus Host Disease. Therefore, our much anticipated release from the hospital has been delayed for one to two weeks. Tomorrow the GI Doctor will be scoping her from both ends to determine the exact cause of the problem. Doesn't sound like much fun to me. They have started her on a couple of different steroid treatments to get us past this hurdle and say she should start feeling better in a few days. In the meantime she is a pretty miserable little girl but continues to keep her spirits up and her "Fight On" mentality in place.
Also, on Friday they will be doing the first post-transplant bone marrow test. This will determine if the leukaemia is gone and if the majority of her white cells are Uncle Dicks. So keep those prayers flying upward in her behalf.
As for us, we continue to


maines said...

My stomach is in knots for Friday. No shortage of excitement in this family! I guess all I can say is keep hanging in there and our prayers are constantly with you.

Pops said...

Of Course we won't know results until Monday or Tuesday

loubige said...

We are praying for good news to come next week from the Friday test, let's hope the white blood cells are Uncle Dick's now.