Saturday, February 23, 2008


The preparation is over, All players are ready, and the schedule is set. Opening day is Monday February 25, 2008. The first day of the REST OF OUR LIVES! On that day we begin our Allogeneic Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Transplant. (Pretty impressive title I'd say) So you can all follow along our schedule will be as follows:

Monday 2/25/08 -9 Admit to BMT; Fludarabine (Chemo Drug)
Tuesday 2/26/08 -8 Fludarabine; Helical Tomotherapy (HT)x2 this is radiation
Wednesday 2/27/08 -7 Fludarabine; HTx2
Thursday 2/28/08 -6 Fludarabine; HTx2
Friday 2/29/08 -5 Fludarabine; HTx2
Saturday 3/01/08 -4 Melphalan (Another Chemo Drug)
Sunday 3/02/08 -3 Tacrolimus and Sirolimus (immunesuppressents)
Monday 3/03/08 -2 Tacrolimus and Sirolimus
Tuesday 3/04/08 -1
Wednesday 3/05/08 0 Infuse PB Stem Cells from donor

After that it will depend on how Sharon gets along, the earliest we could be released from the hospital would be around 21 days following transplant. We would then be required to be near-by in case any Graft vs Host disease should show up. At some point we will be allowed back to our home, but for 100 days post transplant we will be at the City of Hope 2 days a week for testing and monitoring.
We are looking forward to this adventure with faith. We invite all of you to include Sharon in your Fast on Sunday March 2nd.
We will continue to keep you posted as we go along.


maines said...

Wow. What a week. So, you are doing the radiation? That's good, right? It all sounds pretty crazy though. Is the bone marrow transplant just the last day? I didn't realize it was only a one day process. I definately will be fasting and praying tons. It's hard to digest it all. I'm sure even more so for both of you. But, if anyone can do this, mom can!

Stephanie said...

I am so anxious! It seems like we have been anticipating this day since the very begining...or at least the chance to see this day. I feel blessed that we've made it this far. Good luck, break a leg, loose the know what I mean.

Dro said...

Mom...U DA BOMB!

Health in the navel. Marrow in the bones!!!

As always, you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

slickman said...

good luck mom. I will definitely be thinking about you and praying for you every day. Cross my fingers that everything will go as planned. I LOVE YOU A LOT!!!!!!!!!!

loubige said...

We are praying that this week goes well and that your body is ready for the transplant when it comes time. WE LOVE YOU!!!

Al G. said...

All the Greenbeans will be fasting and praying for you. God continue to bless you and give you peace.
Love, Alan & Laurel