Thursday, January 15, 2009

Update on Ricky

Although we didn't plan on posting again on the blog, and especially not for this reason, we felt we should give an update to anyone who might be following the Hendrickson clan. 
Two weeks ago Ricky went into the hospital with severe pneumonia. He started off at Legacy Post Acute and Rehabilitation Center in San Bernardino. But after coding while in the nursing home and reports from the doctors that his lungs were getting steadily worse, they felt he needed to be moved to the ICU at St. Bernadines Hospital where he could be under constant care.  He has been there now for a week. 
Unfortunately, his condition is not getting any better. The doctors have found MRSA all over his body and the pneumonia is very severe. He is on as much oxygen as they can give him and on a ventilator 24 hours a day but is still struggling to keep his oxygen levels up. Meanwhile his pulse is constantly racing, staying around 130-170 beats per minute. He is on many antibiotics and TPN to try and get his nutrition better. The doctors also have him heavily sedated so that he doesn't have to work much and his body can try and fight off the infection. However his white blood count continues to rise and is currently at about 50 (we know way more about WBC than anyone should have to!). 
For the most part, it is very "touch and go" at this point. We are preparing for what may come but continue to hope and pray for the best. He has had excellent care and doctors and nurses are doing all they can. We realize it is now in God's hands. Please keep Ricky in  your thoughts and prayers. 


Dana said...

Thanks for the update. Rich told us about Ricky last night but he leaves out a lot. I knew that if you guys wanted to alert the masses it would be here. Let him know he's in our prayers.

Grandma Pearl said...

We have been keeping an update on your blog and appreciate all the information you have shared.
I keep in touch with Paul also and have left a message on his home phone to let him know about
Ricky. We've been in Cedar City helping Annette while she has been in Provo for a training with her job.
I was going to let you know we'll be in Palm Springs for our Senior Soft Ball tournament February 10-11,12,and 13.
We'd love to have you come see us if fat all possible. We all enjoyed Sharon when she visited with us .
Pearl and John Peters